Each chapter in the book will show you how you can breathe more efficiently, strengthen your respiratory system and many benefits you can gain through conscious changes in your breathing habits.
This groundbreaking research has prompted 4x Freediving World Champion Stig Åvall Severinsen to take action and make his knowledge and resources available for the public in the form of a free Breath Training course and a free eBook on breathing.
Breatheology The Art Of Conscious Breathing Pdf
Most of us breathe inefficiently. Life is often lived in the fast lane, and especially when we are stressed, we tend to use only the upper part of our lungs. We forget to breathe deep down into the stomach and thereby lose out on a lot of energy. Only when you become aware of your breathing and how to train it, you will be able to learn to breathe properly. Your body will immediately absorb more oxygen and after a short time you will have more energy and gain greater mental calmness. Advantages of efficient breathing: Gain more energy in your daily life Become better at managing stress Optimize your work and sport performances Avoid illnesses and get well faster Minimize chronic or transient pain Become happier and more positive Live a healthier and longer life
Most of us breathe inefficiently. Breathing incorrectly causes us to lose out on a lot of energy. Life is often lived in the fast lane and when we're stressed, we tend to use only the upper part of our lungs. We forget to breathe deep down into the stomach.Only after you become aware of your breathing and how to train it, you will be able to learn to breathe properly. After learning to breathe correctly, your body will immediately absorb more oxygen. After a short time, you'll have more energy and gain greater mental calmness.
Another of the five root wind energies, the winds that aid digestion are found in the lower abdomen. When the belly pokes out, this relaxes the wind that is abiding in the lower abdomen so that the digestive winds naturally enter the central channel. Many people in the West have the habit of hunching over. The reason for this is that we are raised sitting in chairs or sofas, rather than sitting on the floor as is taught in many Asian cultures. When we sit, we often either bend over or lean back on something. Slouching compacts the abdomen, which closes the belly, restricts breathing, and improperly curves the spine. This means that based on our habitual postures, the central channel remains closed.
The nine cycles are broken up into three groups of three breaths. The first six sets of inhalations and exhalations are done using alternating nostrils. The mouth remains closed the entire time and we breathe only through the nose. As a general note, the teachings on wind energy training and Yantra Yoga emphasize breathing through the nostrils during the entire practice session.
As general advice for how the breathing should be done during this exercise, the exhalation is a little strong, but it should be long and relaxed. Continue exhaling until the breath completely dissolves, and then inhale again, also in a very elongated and relaxed manner. Always breathe as deeply as possible, pulling the breath down into the abdomen, and trying to feel it pervade the entire body. Since we are working with abdominal, and not thoracic, breathing, be sure that the chest and shoulders do not rise with the breath, and that only the belly expands. 2ff7e9595c